Tuesday, July 22, 2008


2.Hanuman dhoka

Bhairava (Sanskrit: भैरव, "Terrible" or "Frightful"[1]), sometimes known as Bhairo or Bhairon or Bhairadya, is the fierce manifestation of Shiva associated with annihilation.[2] He is one of the most important deities of Nepal, sacred to Hindus and Buddhists alike. Bhairava is invoked in prayers to destroy enemies.
He is depicted ornamented with a range of twisted serpents, which serve as earrings, bracelets, anklets, and sacred thread (yajnopavita). He wears a tiger skin and a ritual apron composed of human bones.[3] Bhairava has a dog as his divine vahana (vehicle).
Bhairava himself has eight manifestations, Kala Bhairava, Asitanga Bhairava, Samhara Bhairava, Ruru Bhairava, Krodha Bhairava, Kapala Bhairava, Rudra Bhirava and Unmatta Bhairava.
1 Legends
2 Temples
2.1 In the Kathmandu valley
3 Images of Bhairava
4 See also
5 References
6 External links

[edit] Legends
The origin of Bhairava can be traced to the conversation between Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu recounted in "Shiv Maha-Purana" where Lord Vishnu asks Lord Brahma who is the supreme creator of the Universe. Arrogantly, Brahma tells Vishnu to worship him because he (Brahma) is the supreme creator. This angered Shiva who in reality is the creator of all. Shiva then incarnated in the form of Bhairava to punish Brahma. Bhairava beheaded one of Brahma's five heads and since then Brahma has only four heads. When depicted as Kala Bhairava, Bhairava is shown carrying the amputated head of Brahma. Cutting off Brahma's fifth head made him guilty of Brahmanicide, and as a result, he was forced to carry around the head for years until he had been absolved of the sin.
Another story of the origin of Bhairava is the tale of Sati, wife of Shiva. Sati, the daughter of the king of gods, Daksha, had chosen to marry Shiva. Her father disapproved the alliance because he perceived Shiva as an ascetic associated with animals and ghosts and a frugal lifestyle. Eventually, Daksha held a yagna (a ritualistic sacrifice) and invited all the gods, but not Sati and Shiva. Sati came to the yagna alone, where Daksha publicly spoke in a belittling manner about Shiva. Sati could not bear to hear her husband insulted and offered herself to the sacrificial pyre.
When Shiva learned of this, he destroyed the yagna and killed Daksha by beheading him. Shiva carried Sati's corpse on his shoulders and ran uncontrollably all around the world for days. Since this would eventually destroy all creation, Vishnu used his Sudarshan Chakra (divine discus) to cut Sati's body into pieces, which then fell all around. These spots where Sati's body parts fell are now known as Shakti Peethas. In the form of the frightful Bhairava, Shiva is said to be guarding each of these Shaktipeeths. Each Shaktipeeth temple is accompanied by a temple dedicated to Bhairava.

[edit] Temples
Ashta Bhirava at Sri Kamanada Eswar temple, Aragalur, TN-IN.
Kal Bhairav Temple at Ujjain, M.P.
Kalabhairaveshvara Temple at Adichunchanagiri, Karnataka

[edit] In the Kathmandu valley
Bhairava is an important deity of Newars. All the traditional settlements of Newars have at least a temple of Bhairava. Most of the temples of Bhairava in Nepal are maintained by Newar priests. There are several Bhairava temples in the Kathmandu valley. Some of them are-
The Kala Bhairava temple in Hanuman Dhoka (Durbar Square) has a 12 foot high stone image of Kala Bhairava sculpted in the 17th century CE. It was believed that people die if they speak false in front of this sculpture. So, this temple served as the supreme court of Nepal for a long time.[citation needed]
Akash Bhairava (Sava Bhakku Deva or Wanga Dya),
Swet Bhairava,
Shanta Bhairava (Majipa Lakhey Dya),
Kirtimukha Bhairava,
Unmukta Bhairava (inside the Pashupatinath temple)
Bagh Bhairava temple of Kirtipur.
Batuk Bhairava temple, Lagankhel

[edit] Images of Bhairava

Bhairava's image in the Durbar Square, Kathmandu

Kali and Bhairava in Union, 18th century, Nepal

A statue of Kala Bhairava, National Geographic Magazine, October 1920 issue

[edit] See also

[edit] References
^ For भैरव as one of the eight forms of Shiva, and translation of the adjectival form as "terrible" or "frightful" see: Apte, p. 727, left column.
^ For Bhairava form as associated with terror see: Kramrisch, p. 471.
^ Bhairava statuette in copper from 15th-16th century Nepal, in collection of Smithsonian Institution. Accessed August 11, 2007.

[edit] External links
Bhairava's royal brahmanicide by Elizabeth Visuvalingam
Bhairava and the Goddess: Tradition, Gender and Transgression by Elizabeth Visuvalingam
Paradigm of Hindu-Buddhist Relations: Pachali Bhairab of Kathmandu by Elizabeth Visuvalingam



This temple is obviously one of the most interesting sights of Katmandu: There are endless photo opportunuties to be found there. This is a Saddhu or " Holy Men " how they call them locally. By getting below him I tried to enhance his interesting beard, and by the same occasion get rid of many details which could interfere with the portrait itself.Pashupatinath temple ( From Wikipedia ) (पशुपितनाथ मन्िदर ) is a Hindu temple located on the shore of the Bagmati river on the eastern part of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.It is regarded as the most sacred temple of Shiva (Pashupati) in Nepal. "Shivaratri" or night of lord Shiva is the most important festival celebrated in this temple. Along the shores of the Bagmati river near the temple lies "Arya Ghat", the most widely used place of cremation for the deceased in Nepal, especially in and around the Kathmandu valley. There is also a large market in the streets surrounding the temple. Vendors sell souvenirs to tourists, but also cloth, dyes, and religious supplies. Believers of the faith Hinduism are allowed to enter the temple. Non-Hindu visitors are allowed to have a look at the temple from the other bank of Bagmati river.The priests who perform the services at this temple are always from south India. This tradition is supposed to have started by Sage Shankaracharya in 6th century, ostensibly to stop human sacrifice which was prevalent in that temple. Another interpretation is that Indian priests are stationed at Pashupatinath because when the King passes away, the entire Nepali people are supposed to stop religious services and enter a year long period of mourning. As the Pashupatinath needs to be eternally worshipped, Indians were brought to make sure that the Pashupatinath is worshipped even at the time of official mourning. One of the best known of these priests was Raval Padmanabha Shastri Adiga (1927-2005). He started as a priest in 1955 and was promoted to Chief priest in 1967. In his time, he started a movement to use the temple funds for local development. He retired in 1993 and moved back to his home town Udupi.The temple is of pagoda architecture. The two level roofs are of copper with gold covering. It has four main doors, all covered with silver sheets. The western door has a statue of large bull or Nandi, again covered in gold. The deity is of black stone, about 6 ft in height and about 6ft circumference.The priests are called Bhattas and the chief priest is known as Mool Bhatt or Raval. The chief priest is answerable only to the King of Nepal and reports to him on the matters of temple on periodic basis.PATINATH

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Roadways To Nepal

hence u know tat the roadways of nepal is connected to the India and China.the roadways sites are really very beautiful from both China and india.i have provided u some photos graph of the road ways to nepal hpoe u wil be interested by this photos.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The geographical discription of nepal

The roadways are really very beautiful and the scenery are very very beautiful . you can see it and feel the presence of paradise.ok lets say me about the physical boundaries.Nepal is three side sourrounded by indians borders and one side by the chinese border.allthe border are land connected nad the roads are really very dangerous situated at the great height. the travelling cannot be forggoten through your whle life.

The climatic condition

The climatic condition of the country is very fantastic. The hilly and the mountainous regions are very cool even in the month of summer and in the rainy season its its very cloudy and it will rain twice a day .Hence there many rivers and lakes in this country. The road ways are really nice and the scenery are very very beautiful. so comes and enjoy this country once okey. hare are some photos of the roadways.